Students, who receive support,must: - Inform the Foundation in writing if any personal details (name, address, etc..) have changed;
- Within 3working daysfrom studytermination, removal from the list of students, postponement of studies or taking academic inform the Foundation about the fact.;
- Regularlycheckthee-mail provided in application form.
Supportshall not be granted for:
- Personswho do not havethe rightto receiveassistance;
- Persons whofailed totimely submit application form or correctdeficiencies;
- Studentsstudyingthe languagesof the countrieswhichthey came from;
- Studentsre-enrolled in the same cycle study program for the periodfor which they have already received the grant or social disbursement;
- Studentswho have violatedthe conditions for grantingaid.
For more information, please, contact:
Ch. specialist
Aldona Valatkevičiūtė
+370 658 30997