Fields of activity

State-Supported Loans
State-Supported Loans are preferential loans for students issued through the selected credit institutions (banks) for one academic year.

All students enrolled on the first, second and third cycle, integrated and non-degree studies at higher education institutions in Lithuania can apply for a State-Supported Loan.

In cases state below, you cannot get a State-Supported Loan:

  • If a total amount of all your State-Supported Loans received, excluding interest, would exceed 505 BSB (Basic Social Benefit (Lith. abbr. BSI) - € 55) - € 27 775;
  • If you suspended studies or are on academic leave;
  • If you already have been granted state-supported loan and fail to fulfill your obligations established by your previous loan agreements;
  • if you already have been granted state-supported loan by two study agreements in each study degree and have completed or terminated these studies;
  • If you are an international student (citizen of non EU or non-European Economic Area country) and have not been granted permanent residency in Lithuania (not applicable for foreigners of Lithuanian origins). Permanent residency (permit of a long-term resident of the Republic of Lithuania to reside in the European Community) means a document entitling an alien to reside in the Republic of Lithuania and certifying the alien’s permanent resident status. Permanent residence permit is executed for five years and after this period passes, it may be replaced (

Types of the State-Supported Loans:

  1. Loan to cover tuition fee. Maximum amount equals the yearly tuition fee of the study course you attend. This loan is paid directly to the account of an institution of higher education until July 1.
  2. Loan to cover living expenses. Maximum amount - € 4 400 per year. This loan is paid in equal monthly installments until July 1 to the borrower's personal account (for last year students until graduation);
  3. Loan for partial studies abroad. Maximum amount - € 3 300, to be paid all at once to the borrower's personal account.
Loans Maximum amountIssued 
 To cover tuition fee Annual tuition fee of the program In autumn and spring semesters
 To cover living expenses Up to 80 BSB (currently € 4 400) In autumn semester
 Up to 40 BSB (currently € 2 200) In spring semester
 For partial studies abroad Up to 60 BSB (currently € 3 300) In spring and autumn semesters


In order to get a State-Supported Loan, you should fill an online application form (available in Lithuanian language only). You will be redirected to the form when you click this link .

State allows students to borrow on favorable terms:

  • State-Supported Loans are loans guaranteed by the State;
  • State-Supported Loan repayment starts a year after graduation or termination of the studies;
  • Repayment period of state-supported loan - 15 years;
  • Possible loan grace periods;
  • State Studies Foundation may pay interest during the time of study, as well as during the loan grace period;
  • Possibility of early repayment of the loan at no additional cost.

Please note that borrowers immediately should inform the State Studies Foundation, if any of the following circumstances occur: changes in the graduation date (different from that stated on your loan agreement) or cost of studies, if you suspend, terminate or renew your studies.

For more information, please, contact:
Ch. specialist
Alina Adamonienė
+370 658 30974


Support for Foreigners of Lithuania

State StudiesFoundation provides Support for the Studies of Foreigners of Lithuanian Descent at Lithuanian Schools of Higher Education.Theycan apply fortwo(both)types of support:

  • scholarship;
  • social disbursement.

Students,applying forsupport,must be:

  • enrolled to the first cycle, integratedorpostgraduatestudies atLithuanianhigher education institution;
  • passedlastsessionwithoutacademicdebt(thisdoes not apply tothe first year, first semester students and those, who apply for social disbursement).Support is not grantedto the students,studying languages of the countries they come from.

A student willing toreceive support, by February20 in spring semester and by September 30 in autumn semestermust:

  • register at the Foundation'sweb site andfill inan application form. Electronicbankingorelectronic signature is needed for authorization. 
  • Foreigners of Lithuaniandescent, applying for the support for the firsttime, ought to present documents (or certified copies), issued by Lithuanian community of their country or other institutions, proving their Lithuanian origins, by the applications' submission deadline.
  • Foreigners of Lithuanian, applying for the support for the firsttime, ought to present documents (or certified copies) proving thatthey were living notlessthan 3yearsabroad and returned to Lithuania not earlier than to the 8th form, by the applications' submission deadline.
  • Those, applying for the social disbursement, by the applications' submission deadline must present documents (or certified copies), proving social circumstances they stated in their application form (number of family members, death certificates and other), unless the Foundation states that no documents are required.

In cases when it is not possible to ascertain the applicant's identity by electronic means (internet banking or electronic certificate), student, applying for the support, should arrive to the Foundation and fill in application form on site.

Monthly scholarship-3,25 BSB (Basic Social Benefit (Lith. abbr. BSI) - € 38) - € 123,50 is awarded during a tender for a grants for one semester. The tender row is made (decreasing importance):

  1. First year full time students enrolled on the first, second (postgraduate), third cycle, integrated studies;
  2. Second or subsequent year full-time students enrolled on the first, second (postgraduate), third cycle, integrated studies and have achieved an excellent level of achievement.
  3. Second or subsequent year full-time students enrolled on the first, second (postgraduate), third cycle, integrated studies and have achieved the typical level of achievement.
  4. First year part-time students;
  5. Second or subsequent year part-time students.

Social disbursement ispaid once per semester. Payable amount depends on the social circumstances of particular student:

Social circumstances

 Amount, € 

Students of age 26 and under, whose both parents or guardians are dead.


Students of age 26 and under, whose one of parents or guardians is dead.


Students of age 26 and under, whose one of parents or guardians has disability.


Students of age 26 and under, who come from large families where at least 3 underage children or young adults (of age 26 and under) are enrolled on formal education programs.


Information about allocation of support is sentvia e-mailwithin 5 workingdays andthemoney istransferred tothe account specified by the studentwithin 15 workingdays of the decision.
Students, who receive support,must:

  • Inform the Foundation in writing if any personal details (name, address, etc..) have changed;
  • Within 3working daysfrom studytermination, removal from the list of students, postponement of studies or taking academic inform the Foundation about the fact.;
  • Regularlycheckthee-mail provided in application form.

Supportshall not be granted for:

  • Personswho do not havethe rightto receiveassistance;
  • Persons whofailed totimely submit application form or correctdeficiencies;
  • Studentsstudyingthe languages​​of the countrieswhichthey came from;
  • Studentsre-enrolled in the same cycle study program for the periodfor which they have already received the grant or social disbursement;
  • Studentswho have violatedthe conditions for grantingaid.

For more information, please, contact:

Ch. specialist
Aldona Valatkevičiūtė
+370 658 30997

Last updated: 28-08-2024